Hi all. I need help in my itinerary please. Did a lot of research but not quite sure I got everything right. Staying at Concorde Montparnasse Hotel.
May 8 Friday: Arrive to hotel at about 4 pm. Rest for an hour.
Tour Eiffel
River Seine Cruise (do I need to reserve before hand? )
Eat in Rue Cler
Go to La Maison du Chocolat.
Saturday: Tour Montparnasse then picnic at Luxembourg Gardens (Go to Jean-Paul Hévin.
Then to Notre-Dame. (Since ill be going up the Eiffel tower, the montparnasse tower and the arc de triumphe, do I have to go up this one as well?) Icecream at Berthillon.
Sunday: To Sacré-Coeur then Montmarte.
At night to Saint-Germain-des-Pres (near our hotel) Eat at Cafe Les Deux Magots and desset at Patrick Roger (yes Im a chocoholic!)
Monday: Euro Disney till 8 pm.
Go to Latin Qarter at night. (How far away is this from Montparnasse?)
Tuesday: 9 -3 Versailles. Lunch at Le Relais de L’Entrecote.
8 pm Arc de Triomphe , Champs Elysses (go to Laduree) and Place de la Concorde. (Can I go to both areas in 1 day?)
Wednesday: 9 am to Rodin Museum (next to our hotel. I know there are many diff tastes but is this a must?) then to Les Invalides (Napeleons Tomb) (are they far from each other by metro?)
At 5 pm Louvre till about 10 (it closes late on Wednesday) then to Angelina tea room (across the louvre)
Thursday: at 10 am go to France Miniature (do u think I should?? I’ve been to miniturk and I loved the idea… is it worth it?) To airport at 7 pm.
I have Wednesday and Thursday full (I will take the 2 day museum pass and all these are covered in the museum pass) also I chose wed and thur over sat and sun since these 2 days will be crowded.
Sorry for a veryyy long post and Thanks in advance for everyone’s help and comments.
I really appreciate it…
any help pls....
Ok, several things:
1. I believe your picnic will need to be on a bench at LG. Look for signs, but I%26#39;m pretty sure you%26#39;re not allowed to sit on the grass. (Just so you don%26#39;t get a stern look from the local gendarmes)
2. The LQ is pretty close to Montparnasse. It%26#39;s on the other side of Lux Gdn from Montparnasse (as a general idea)
3. Versailles is pretty tiring, but yes, you can easily go to the Arc de T and the CE and Pl de la Concorde together at the end of your day. It will be a very full day tho.
4. Invalides and the Rodin Museum are next door to each other. No need for a metro ride. And yes, the Rodin Museum is a must (at least for me it would be :)
A few comments - although it looks a good itinerary overall
Friday - Are you intending to go up the Tower or just have a look - if going up you may not have enough time to do the other things.
There is usually no need to book the Seine cruise - but I would check departure times before so you are not waiting for a long time before the next one.
Notre Dame - it doesn%26#39;t sound as if you are really wanting to go up if you are asking (I see now you are probably going up the Tour Eiffel). As you are doing the other things I wouldn%26#39;t (although I have never been up so maybe others can advise you better about that).
Monday - Latin quarter is not far - you could walk easily providing you have no mobility problems, or easy with public transport.
Tuesday - Champs Elysee etc., you can do this easily in one day - Champs Elysee runs from Concorde to Arc de Triomphe.
Wednesday - Again, you can easily walk between Rodin museum and Les Invalides. As to whether to go to Rodin museum I would say yes, but as you say it is a personal choice. However, as you are right next door it would be a shame to miss it. The gardens in particular are wonderful.
Thursday = France Miniature - not sure if you should - although again a personal choice (I have never been but would like to as it looks a good place), but it is a bit out of Paris and if you have any transport problems coming back you may have a problem getting to your hotel in time for the airport. I would probably give it a miss this time and use your pass for something in central Paris to give you a more relaxing day - perhaps the Musee d%26#39;Orsay, or my favourite the L%26#39;Orangerie. After that a stroll and sit in the Tuileries, or along the river to the Ile St Louis. A bit more of a relaxing day for your last few hours in Paris.
Hope this is useful - sorry but don%26#39;t have time to do more than reply to specific questions
Hi, just want to add that the Rodin Museum isn%26#39;t %26quot;next door%26quot; to Concorde Montparnasse, it is walkable, or you can take the metro line 13 (direction St-Denis Université) to Varenne.
InnaMontreal - you are right of course that it is not next door - I should have seen that. My fault for not reading the post properly - sorry about that luv2travel
It%26#39;s good as far as it goes . . . but you are leaving out the Opera House, Madeleine, Place des Vosges, the Galleries Lafayette, Printemps, La Samaritaine, Conciergerie, Cluny Museum, Picasso Museum, Pompidou Center, Chateau de Fountainebleau, Musee d%26#39;Orsay, Marche aux Puces . . . I would skip EuroDisney and work some of these other attractions in. Plus, there%26#39;s something to be said for just wandering the streets of Paris and soaking it all up.
I think the first thing you need to remember is that there are no %26quot;MUST SEES%26quot;... what is a must for me might not even be on someone else%26#39;s radar. So go to what YOU ARE interested in and not what you feel you SHOULD go to.
Case in point... as non Disney fan I would never go near the place. On the other hand, you might be a huge fan and missing it not an option.
Right now I%26#39;d say your plan is set so stop worrying... relax and see what you can when you%26#39;re there. What you miss will be there for next time. I%26#39;ve been to Paris 6 times now and I still haven%26#39;t seen everything mentioned in this post by you and others... but I%26#39;ll get there... eventually! ;^)
Bon voyage!
hey all thanks ALOT for ur advice
its really great when everyone around is helping
allison i think i changed my mind about visiting france miniature this trip! we can always go the 2nd time....
rob ur right i SHOULD stop worrying... as i tend to worry alot when planning for something... and of course i cant finish everything in one week!!
i meed muchhhhhhhhh more than that!
thanks all for ur great help....
Btw, please disregard the suggestion of La Samaritaine. It%26#39;s a department store that used to have a roof lookout area that was wonderful. The department store has been closed for several years. It is not re-opening.
You are trying to do too much. You don%26#39;t want to get pooped out do you? I would suggest the following or comment on your list. Angelina%26#39;s is not open at night which it sounds like you want to do. It is on rue Rivoli, fantastic pastries and the hot chocolate it is known for. Good quiche also. You listed Maison du Chocolate on your arrival day at 4 p.m. and taking a snooze. That can%26#39;t happen. You have to remember stores close and by that time when you get around to it, it won%26#39;t be closed. If you want chocolate come the middle of October to the chocolate show, that is something else. I would skip Disney altogether. Seine Cruise, if that is all you want don%26#39;t need a reservation. Paris looks so different when you take the night cruise with the spotlights on the sights. But if you want the dinner cruise you have to make a reservation and last time I heard it was about 100 euro or more for one person. I would also skip Napoleon and go to Rodin. It is a beautiful tomb in gorgeous wood and other family are there, the ticket used to include a trip to the military museum which is %26quot;next%26quot; door. The military museum is a %26quot;man%26quot; thing. I went once but not again. Sacre le Coeur would be nice going to Sunday mass even if you are not Catholic even Notre Dame. But while up there go to Place Tertre which is just around the corner where the artists are, and then around another corner is a small Salvador Dali museum if you like Dali. I would get the little train down the hill. It winds around etc. Concorde, Champs de Elysee and the Arch DT is one long straight walk, maybe a mile or a little more. If I can do it, and I am ancient, you can do it. I would go up to the top of the Eiffel instead of the others if I had a choice. I have done all three and that would be my first choice with limited time for the visit. Be ready for lines at just about all the places, museum on Wed if it is the Louvre. Louvre closed on Tues, so Wed the lines are long. There is usually a line at Church of Notre Dame to go up the tower. While at Notre Dame go behind it to the little park to Memorial Deportation, free, quite moving. Thurs nites the stores are open to I think 8 - Galleries L and Printemps.